There are a bunch of overdue updates for the fun server that I need to take care of. I am going to do it in stages so I can figure out what was breaking the server. For the plugins that aren't on the regular server, I am going to add them one at a time with a day or so in between. Please let me know if you run into any problems as soon as they come up, especially with the medigun.
- Added 11 maps
- Added Radio Plugin
- Added Sudden Death Melee Plugin
- Added Melee Only Plugin
- Added Advertisements Plugin (for on screen messages)
- Added FuncommandsX Plugin (for tele and whatnot)
- Added Plugin Manager Plugin
- Added Spray Tracer Plugin
- Added Zombie Fortress Plugin
To Add:
Edit: I removed the jump mode plugin since I found that it was the reason why the server crashed on medic heal. I am going to try and get the author to fix it for me.