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Kicked for camping a teleporter.

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Kicked for camping a teleporter.

Unread post by HurTmePlentY »

Ive had enough of this shit, everyones shit.

Can noone take the game for what it is worth anymore?
today, not 5 minutes ago i was kicked by an individual because i backstabbed him as he repeatedly went through his teams teleporter to get backstabbed by me.

someone said not to go through it, since i was there, but he was persistent in giving me backstab points.
he then kicked me for 'camping'
butthurt = butthurt

im tired of everyone crying over camping, and spawn camping. its a valid tactic, the maps we play have spawn rooms where you are safe. TEAM FORTRESS means work with your team. if so, working with teammates to get out of your spawn room.

anyways... ill be playing on other servers for a while until this gets sorted out.

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Re: Kicked for camping a teleporter.

Unread post by Thursday »

You got kicked... so you decided to leave the server for a while?

Dear god, calm down. I get kicked all the time for shit reasons and I'm still around.

Quit being so butthurt, in your words.
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Re: Kicked for camping a teleporter.

Unread post by Sastora »

I think it is more than that.
He is probably tired of admins and such kicking and banning people and being babies.
I'm just playing advocate.
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Re: Kicked for camping a teleporter.

Unread post by Liquid Death »

Camping is a valid tactic, spawn camping maybe. Either way I agree with you, he should have not taken the tele when there would obviously be another way to get there.
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Re: Kicked for camping a teleporter.

Unread post by Plastic Jesus »

Should have kicked the guy who repeatedly takes the teleporter that is camped by a spy... how stupid is that? Hurtme is a great player and a cool guy, that was a shit move.
Last edited by Plastic Jesus on 25 May 2009, 11:00, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Kicked for camping a teleporter.

Unread post by HurTmePlentY »

Im leaving because i want to play somewhere where people play, to play the game, not just dick around.
1. im sick of everyone crying over every damn little thing that happens in game. so, im just not going to be around for a while. not in server= dont have to hear everyone bitch and moan.

2. im sick of people nominating stupid maps and spamming chat to vote for it, when it obviously is the dumbest map ever.

3. im sick of people spamming voip wiht sound clips. when i kick and sometimes ban for this, certain individuals wonder why? ill tell you why, it gives me a headache, and i acutally mind.

until next time.

edit. p.s. in other words, until i calm down about this, im not even going to play in the server, i could end up doing something that i might regret, and i dont regret much that i do.
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Re: Kicked for camping a teleporter.

Unread post by Divine Fate »

Like everyone else said, it is valid, and definitely not a kickable offense. Spawn camping isn't even a kickable offense. Whoever did that deserves some sort of a ban or removal of admin.

The server's been getting a tid bit out of hand as of late, since the update came out. A solution I've come to become aware as the only working solution is banning others for abusing admin (kicking others for nonvalid reasons, abusing chat commands, abusing votes, etc.). It gets your point across, it works, and most likely (unless the person is retarded) they will never do it again. Then again, there will always be the people that yell at you for banning them. Make sure YOUR reason is valid with others before you do anything..

The mute command isn't used enough. Votemute isn't used WAY near enough. If somebody starts doing anything that may be a viable mute, throw out a votemute and most everybody will agree with you. Unmute is a command that is abused way to often. If somebody unmutes themselves after being muted for a good reason, you have reason enough to kick/ban that person.

I agree with Hurtme in most ways, and am getting sick of most of the shenanigans going on in the server. It's getting old, and I'd like to play the game it's meant to be, which isn't (example) Gypsy Joe complaining about the Dead Ringer being underpowered every single minute; getting kicked for earning an unlock; and the occasional spamming of the microphone, whether it be yelling, talking, or playing music. Over excessive mic usage is still spam, and gets on everybody's nerves.
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Re: Kicked for camping a teleporter.

Unread post by Hanzo_blade »

Agree'd. Some people are getting really annoying lol
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Re: Kicked for camping a teleporter.

Unread post by Thursday »

Why is it, when someone is a pretty good admin for weeks on end, they get yelled at for doing one thing? Yeah, it was me, and I'm sorry, but really?

As soon as Hurtme came back, I got kicked for "butthurt", and I'm not out for blood. I just come back, laugh, and keep playing, not post a thread in the forums asking for people's admins to be removed.

Sorry for being pissy, but seriously. I mute some admins for arguing and excessive voice chat and I'm told 'no using powers on other admins', while they just unmute themselves and continue yelling at each other. It's somewhat nonsensical, you know?

Anyway, I'm sorry Hurtme. And please, one bad mark on a list of good ones shouldn't be 'lol tak hiz abmin powerzzzzz', okay? I'm sure if that was true we wouldn't have any admins. :\
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Re: Kicked for camping a teleporter.

Unread post by GrimGriz »

What qualifies as admin abuse in a lot of other places has become the norm around here, simply (i think) because everyone likes each other enough that they generally don't want to cause forum drama.
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Re: Kicked for camping a teleporter.

Unread post by Thursday »

Yeah. Anyway, here's how I see it: I get kicked for weird reasons all the time, so I don't really see it as a punishment anymore. It's either a joke, or just a light tap on the back of the head. This time I was just trying to mess with Hurtme by overdramatizing a somewhat-irritating but legit tactic by running through the tele a bunch and then kicking him, but I guess it wasn't that funny in the end. >:

So, again, sorry about that. I'll view the /kick command a little bit more seriously from here on out, I guess.

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Re: Kicked for camping a teleporter.

Unread post by HurTmePlentY »

Thursday wrote:
As soon as Hurtme came back

i tried to come back, the server was full. id probably have my forum account deleted if i had came back. I was absolutely raging.


Im not going to lie, i like to have fun and mess around just as much as you guys. i love playing on the server. it just seems as of lately everyone has been at each other's throats about admin stuff, and i would like to see it stop even though there isnt much i can do to influence others.
ive also been kicked and muted for stupid issues. Right now the server has been locked, but when it becomes unlocked and we start havings guests play in our server again... do we really want them to see us acting the way we( i myself included) have been acting? i think not. im not sure i want the serrver to be unlocked until we setle all this, and get things back on track. i want to be able to welcome new people to the forums who enjoy playing on our server as much as we do. thats why we first came here, right? for the fellowship with the people of this community, and the great server(s) we are running?
ive been wanting to point this stuff out for a while, and i should have done it a better way.
last night i had been drinking, not drunk but enough to be impaired, im so glad i didnt get to rejoin the server. i would have totally regretted perma-banning everyone.
everyone just needs to chill out for a while and stay away from each other until we can talk all this out, and put it behind us so that we can continue being a part of this great community.

Thursday i accept your apology and i am sorry as well for acting the way i did. I wanted to post to address issues that had been ongoing within our server, but i didnt want to point anyone out. Yes, i was drinking, but thats not an excuse, i was very childish with my actions.
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Re: Kicked for camping a teleporter.

Unread post by arkawn »

./kick Thusday LETTUCE
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Re: Kicked for camping a teleporter.

Unread post by D34THSPAWN »

Divine Fate wrote: I agree with Hurtme in most ways, and am getting sick of most of the shenanigans going on in the server. It's getting old, and I'd like to play the game it's meant to be, which isn't (example) Gypsy Joe complaining about the Dead Ringer being underpowered every single minute; getting kicked for earning an unlock; and the occasional spamming of the microphone, whether it be yelling, talking, or playing music. Over excessive mic usage is still spam, and gets on everybody's nerves.
all i have to say to that is damn fucking straight...'nuff said

Thursday it was me that kicked you for butthurt...i like hurtme and was a little annoyed and he was livid so i did it...i also apologize it wasnt the right thing to do, sometimes things just get out of hand you know? emotions run high etc...

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Re: Kicked for camping a teleporter.

Unread post by Original »

This weekend was nutz for sure.

1st we had the release which Valve screwed up. But that's normal and to be expected. So is tons of mic spam talking 'bout all the new stuff. Annoying yes but everyones excited, etc...

2nd it was a holiday weekend. I think quite a few people were drunk at several times. That increases the annoyance of mic spam, I know I got told to stop yelling once or twice :woop:

3rd, someone pointed out the 'say' commands and everyone wanted to try 'em. All in good fun though. But that only went on for 10 minutes.

Thank god the server was locked, that much chaos and a full server with pretty much all regulars. I'd hate to see how it would've been had it not been locked.
But I agree, the kicks for every other reason might be getting a bit out of hand. I think I hear someone say 'kick so and so...' almost everymap.
most of the time its all in good fun, but it might be in that spiraling out of control area.
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Re: Kicked for camping a teleporter.

Unread post by Thursday »

I think gathering too many of us cC regulars for a prolonged period is a bit like a family reunion - it's good seeing everyone together the first couple days, but then Uncle Larry gets a little bit too lewd with Cousin Sally and it's all downhill from there, y'know?

That's why we have members weekends, not members half-weeks, haha.
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Re: Kicked for camping a teleporter.

Unread post by captainAngry »

This weekend was pretty intense. It's hard because usually during members events we have a little more tolerance for shenanigans. This is tolerable for a day or two but the server was locked for 4 days and everyone got sick of it.

At some point we all decided to kick people who got the new weapons. It was fun until new people started joining and then got kicked after a few minutes without any idea why. That went on for like 3 days and I know people got pissed about it.

Couple that with all the new stuff everyone has to complain about, discussion about what weapons everyone has unlocked and complaining about half of the new items being busted, it just got frustrating.

I usually try and avoid playing two weeks after an update comes out because I get sick of all this shit.

Anyway, long story short, I do have a plan to fix all this.
  1. Setup the Admin System to run off a database
  2. Give a few people access to this database to manage admin levels and add new members. These people will be recruiters and will be able to invite people to join calculatedChaos.
  3. Profit?????
That way it will be easy for a few people to keep an eye on admins and we could have fixed punishment for abuse that is non-negotiable.

This stuff is probably a few weeks off since I am working on overhauling the forum right now which is way more complicated than it should be.

Anyway, since I probably justy hijacked the thread anyway I am going to lock it. I'm sorry for what happened hurt and I hope you decide to come back soon.
