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I'm writing a paper on cC and need some feedback from YOU!

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I'm writing a paper on cC and need some feedback from YOU!

Post by Slowpokes Bro »

Alright Calculated Chaos, if you're a member of the Facebook group, you already know that I'm writing a paper on the highly sophisticated, and always intelligent Calculated Chaos. So finally, as I promised, here's a thread with more questions. Feel free to answer any many or as little as you wish, and in any sort of format that you feel like. Keep in mind that even though I would prefer somewhat serious answers, pretty much anything goes for how you answer them. And also, I want both new members and veterans alike to be answering these questions.

Also if you have a lengthy answer for each of the questions, I would type the answer up on a Word document so you don't lose your answers by accident.

And yes, I'm serious

Describe cC in a nutshell.

How long have you been playing in our servers? Have you consistently played this whole time, or were there periods of times where you didn't play on cC/TF2

How did you first come to discover cC?

How did you act when you first regularly played on our servers, and how did other regulars treat you as a result?

What did it take to learn to be fully accepted into cC? Was it a struggle? Did anyone hold you back or help you along the way?

What would you say is the one main thing every member has in common? (besides playing on the server)

How much are you on the Forums?


Questions for admins
(still answer the normal questions if you can)
How long have you been admin?

What purpose does a cC admin serve?

What did you have to do to become admin?

Do you like being admin?

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Re: I'm writing a paper on cC and need some feedback from YO

Post by scottlind1 »

Scottlind, first discovered it after it was recommended to me by a irl friend who got me into tf2 in the first place, seeing as how when i started i dint have a mic, i just kinda went along with tings, and did what the admins said, then after a while i noticed who was regularily on. started saying hi to those folks, and after a while, by being a decent person and not a trolling 12 faggot i also joined the forums back when they were more relevant and being active there and helped me learn the ropes of the community. Also being on the mainserver was a main part, because it's normaly free of the trolls and douchbags, just a group of people playing a semi serious game of tf2 where pretty much everyone was friends. Then getting a mic realy helped because its easier to notice someones voice than text. took a couple months basicaly to be a regular. to get admin, just didnt act like a dick. took a while to get to 20 votes, then was made low admin. then after a while captain angry re-vamped the admin pool where mainserver admins were altered. (my self getting root there) yet everyone pretty much kept there normal admin status on the funserver. Hope this helps. also as an admin the main job is to keep some kind of order. racism is not tolerated at all, and prevent people from being too much of an asshat.
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Re: I'm writing a paper on cC and need some feedback from YO

Post by spleenter »

Describe cC in a nutshell.

cC is a place where, at least i, can go in tf2 to just shoot the shit and have fun trash talking and playing with (generally) cool people.

How long have you been playing in our servers? Have you consistently played this whole time, or were there periods of times where you didn't play on cC/TF2

I started playing tf2 back in 2009. ive been playing fairly regularly, except for the 3-4 months i was a part of the intox community.

How did you first come to discover cC?

A friend of mine i met in l4d back when that was new named duckwalk invited me to a game of tf2.

How did you act when you first regularly played on our servers, and how did other regulars treat you as a result?

when i first "became" a regular, when people started to recognize me on the server. thats when i started using my microphone. once i started using my mic i was treated like any other person.

What did it take to learn to be fully accepted into cC? Was it a struggle? Did anyone hold you back or help you along the way?

The main thing you need to know to be a part of cC is to not try to be someone you aren't. I'd have to say LaN and TgameP helped me along when i first started frequenting the funserver encouraging me to apply for admin.

What would you say is the one main thing every member has in common? (besides playing on the server)

A relative high tolerance for bullshit and a twisted sense of humor

How much are you on the Forums?

I used to be on the forums regularly, now i check it once or twice a week unless given reason to do so otherwise.


ice cream?

Questions for admins
(still answer the normal questions if you can)
How long have you been admin?

I got admin probably a month or 2 after i joined the forums

What purpose does a cC admin serve?

To make sure that the atmosphere of the server remains playable

What did you have to do to become admin?

Not ask for it and not be retarded

Do you like being admin?

I do like being admin, i believe i do a decent job maintaining order, however i believe that some of the other admins don't agree with that statement. but i dont care about their opinion, because everyone in cC, regular or admin, knows that if they need something done they can come to me to work on getting it done.


still dont know what you mean by this.
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Re: I'm writing a paper on cC and need some feedback from YO

Post by LaN »

Slowpokes Bro wrote:
Describe cC in a nutshell.
A place where everyone can gather in one place to have fun and insult each other. Where after a certain period of time, you recognize mostly everyone and share the same ideas (or kill each other over their differences).
How long have you been playing in our servers? Have you consistently played this whole time, or were there periods of times where you didn't play on cC/TF2
According to gametracker, I have played for 1564 hours on the servers.There have been periods where I don't play for weeks, mostly because of work.
How did you first come to discover cC?
October of 2009 I was browsing the server lists and came across the funserver on breakfloor. I got hooked.
How did you act when you first regularly played on our servers, and how did other regulars treat you as a result?
IIRC I didn't talk as much until about a week later.
What did it take to learn to be fully accepted into cC? Was it a struggle? Did anyone hold you back or help you along the way?
I learned quickly that you have to hate the funserver to be accepted. I didn't get held back, or maybe I did. My memory is hazy on that.
What would you say is the one main thing every member has in common? (besides playing on the server)
Hatred for youths if anything. Hatred brings people together, well that and fear.
How much are you on the Forums?
Used to be on a bit, now I just go on once in a while to see any new post and such.
2 scoops, no sprinkles.
Questions for admins
(still answer the normal questions if you can)
How long have you been admin?
Since Dec of '09
What purpose does a cC admin serve?
Stop the dicks from getting out of hand.
What did you have to do to become admin?
Same as everyone, got the votes.
Do you like being admin?
It's aight.
no thanks, I'm full
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Re: I'm writing a paper on cC and need some feedback from YO

Post by Dick Trickle »

[quote]Describe cC in a nutshell.

How long have you been playing in our servers? Have you consistently played this whole time, or were there periods of times where you didn't play on cC/TF2

Joined Jan '10ish, except for a period around -45months later when I went on a huge GMOD kick (Around the time California Bear was here)

How did you first come to discover cC?

I randomly joined the server one day, and I stayed around mostly cause I liked the Map rotation (Of the funserver :isee: )

How did you act when you first regularly played on our servers, and how did other regulars treat you as a result?

A lot of my early time in cC is a fog to me

What did it take to learn to be fully accepted into cC? Was it a struggle? Did anyone hold you back or help you along the way?

I think so?

What would you say is the one main thing every member has in common? (besides playing on the server)


How much are you on the Forums?

Did you ever see a sweet girl with her boyfriend and think "how on earth can a ugly dumbass like him score such a girl?"?
Be that dumbass

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Re: I'm writing a paper on cC and need some feedback from YO

Post by giggles »

Describe cC in a nutshell.

A place of videogames and crazy people.

How long have you been playing in our servers? Have you consistently played this whole time, or were there periods of times where you didn't play on cC/TF2

I've been playing on the servers since 08 i think. from then to about last year ive been playing tf2 quite a lot. other than that ive been playing other games with cC people. league, l4d2, minecraft, etc.

How did you first come to discover cC?

playing randomly in a server and liked the community. also cool breezy claims to have introduced me to cC but psh. i dont remember that.

How did you act when you first regularly played on our servers, and how did other regulars treat you as a result?

i was the mute that played pyro all the time. regulars were annoying in trying to convince to to talk along with being asses to me for being a girl. then i got admin to mute them.

What did it take to learn to be fully accepted into cC? Was it a struggle? Did anyone hold you back or help you along the way?

i got accepted prettttty quickly.

What would you say is the one main thing every member has in common? (besides playing on the server)

they dont have anything in common besides video games. each and every one of them has their own flavor and personality. most of them annoying and rude.

How much are you on the Forums?

not much anymore. used to be errnight cause there was a group that frequented the chatbox and it was fun discussing and and stuff. the era of chatbox doodles was fun!


they it is

Questions for admins
(still answer the normal questions if you can)
How long have you been admin?

since 08.

What purpose does a cC admin serve?

to keep the server running, rid of asswipes, and abuse each other. <3

What did you have to do to become admin?

nothing. ....i guess?

Do you like being admin?



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Re: I'm writing a paper on cC and need some feedback from YO

Post by MrKerplunkers »

Describe cC in a nutshell.

A bunch of dudes and a giggles play dem vidya gayms. Hilarity ensues.

How long have you been playing in our servers? Have you consistently played this whole time, or were there periods of times where you didn't play on cC/TF2

I played on the servers pretty consistently for about 3 years. Computer woes have kept me from really playing over the past year or so. There actually was a time where a played with a group called ERW when the cC servers weren't bustling. Nice folks, Dept and Crocket were there too, but some real fucking big drama bomb went off and I cleared out.

How did you first come to discover cC?

You read my little history lesson on the facebook page, no sense in repeating it here. However, I first stumbled upon sm while looking for a server that played Avanti. Turned out sm really fucking loved avanti and the people there were hilarious so I decided to stick around.

How did you act when you first regularly played on our servers, and how did other regulars treat you as a result?

Honestly, back when I started on sm I was like 13 at the time. I pretty much made all my early internet community mistakes there and by the end of it I was kinda regarded as the fierysnake of sm.

What did it take to learn to be fully accepted into cC? Was it a struggle? Did anyone hold you back or help you along the way?

It's not like I was a stranger, I knew everyone from sm and I liked most of the new folks that came on. Plus, I had admin back in the time when that was a rarity and showered my godlike power on request so I'm sure that helped a bit.

What would you say is the one main thing every member has in common? (besides playing on the server)

Our massive cocks.

How much are you on the Forums?
Way too often. Honestly, the only reason I'm a mod is because we needed to clear out all the spambots (they used to be a huge problem) and Capt noticed I was online all the fucking time.


Questions for admins
(still answer the normal questions if you can)
How long have you been admin?

Since the dawn of time.

What purpose does a cC admin serve?

When we're not abusing our powers for fun and profit, it's usually our job to keep the annoying funsever kids from becoming unbearably annoying.

What did you have to do to become admin?

Be an oldfag.

Do you like being admin?

/blind @all
/noclip @all
Oooooooooooooh yeah :snoop:


There was a time, many many years ago, where Riftoff wasn't a huge hipster and was seen as a pretty normal dude.
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Re: I'm writing a paper on cC and need some feedback from YO

Post by Denzo »

How long have you been playing in our servers? Have you consistently played this whole time, or were there periods of times where you didn't play on cC/TF2

Like a year, tops. Stopped playing when I noticed the same maps playing over and over.

How did you first come to discover cC?

Phrozen lead me here on accident.

How did you act when you first regularly played on our servers, and how did other regulars treat you as a result?

I kinda just played, shit happened, gifts were given.

What did it take to learn to be fully accepted into cC? Was it a struggle? Did anyone hold you back or help you along the way?

See above.

What would you say is the one main thing every member has in common? (besides playing on the server)

Being fucking retarded at any moment of time.

How much are you on the Forums?

I check to see when there are scoops.



Questions for admins
(still answer the normal questions if you can)
How long have you been admin?

Since 1 year and a half ago me thinks.

What purpose does a cC admin serve?

Fucking nothing besides banning shitheads who get unbanned seconds later.

What did you have to do to become admin?

Give a shitton of gifts and be a not-asshole.

Do you like being admin?

No, I hate people asking me to change maps or give them drugs/blind, so I kick/ban them.


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Re: I'm writing a paper on cC and need some feedback from YO

Post by Scrambles »

Describe cC in a nutshell.

I'm not good at words, take your answers from someone who is.

How long have you been playing in our servers? Have you consistently played this whole time, or were there periods of times where you didn't play on cC/TF2

Since last last august, so like 1 and a quarter years. If by consistently you mean only playing on the cC servers everyday for a year, then yes consistently.

How did you first come to discover cC?

The very first server i joined at random was the funserver and I experienced the very last boss battle in cC history. I expected more, so i came back. There wasn't more, but i stayed anyway.

How did you act when you first regularly played on our servers, and how did other regulars treat you as a result?

I don't remember. I probably acted how the normal new people act: asking for soundspam, kicking, slapping, etc. And people were probably annoyed as a result of my actions and therefore took nothing i said seriously.

What did it take to learn to be fully accepted into cC? Was it a struggle? Did anyone hold you back or help you along the way?

I think i went into a fit of teen angst at some point and got depressed, which resulted in the cease of my talking, and I realized people weren't as annoyed when i didn't say retarded shit. So i stopped saying retarded shit, and people slowly accepted me. Some people still don't accept me i think, idk really. I think the only person who held me back from being accepted was myself.

What would you say is the one main thing every member has in common? (besides playing on the server)

acting retarded when admins aren't around

How much are you on the Forums?

since like a month ago, almost every night at around 11


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Re: I'm writing a paper on cC and need some feedback from YO

Post by rudedog04 »

How's it goin. It's Rudedog.

---my time here at cC

Holy shit, has it been a hell of a long time since I've been here.
Sometime in 2008, I got my copy of The Orange Box. My dad was talking about this cool multiplayer game called Team Fortress 2 (abbreviations are for chumps). Started playing, loved it immediately. I gave this server called Smokehouse Misfits a try out of random. Liked the community, fun maps to play, all that jazz. This was a community that was filled with some of the big names on cC today. 2009 (i think), the community was in some big disputes and ultimately shut down. CaptainAngry, one of the members at the time, broke off from the group to create what you're living in today. I decided to join in with the transition along with others from SM and became a huge part of the community all 3 years.

---cC in a buttshell

We have broken off into something even better. From just being a TF2 clan filled with great serious gameplay as well as a "let-loose" funserver, we open everything up with the skype chats, movie nights, and facebook pages to create a more closer gaming community (now it's more LoL and Minecraft but usually anything goes)

--- my struggles as a youngin

First time playing on SM, yea i was kind of nervous. Breaking the internet seam and stuff. Was treated terribly when i used the mic, quickly learned to not use it anymore til around cC times. Gotta say, I was quickly accepted when I was just more a player than an annoying kid. Learned the ropes of cC, followed the rules, all that good stuff, and soon I was playing a bigger role as being admin.

Not as much as I use to be

Yes, scoops

---how long was i admin?
probably after half a year on cC I became admin. I've been admin ever since.

---what's the deal with admins?!?!?!
Getting rid of those lil trolls, kids, douchefags, and all "those" people who don't follow rules. Stay in school kids, rules are everywhere.

---do you like being admiYES next question

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Re: I'm writing a paper on cC and need some feedback from YO

Post by Haunwulf »

Slowpokes Bro wrote:Questions
Describe cC in a nutshell.
"Give me noclip [Low Admin Here], I know you have the powers to do so."

How long have you been playing in our servers? Have you consistently played this whole time, or were there periods of times where you didn't play on cC/TF2
September/October 2009.
How did you first come to discover cC?
A friend told me to come here because crazy shit was going on. (The map was mcdonalds)
How did you act when you first regularly played on our servers, and how did other regulars treat you as a result?
The same as before but without admin. Which still makes me wonder why people even wanted to vote me.
What did it take to learn to be fully accepted into cC? Was it a struggle? Did anyone hold you back or help you along the way?
I got into cC on the first day I got here, I wasn't serious at tf2 and this was the first unserious server I went to.
What would you say is the one main thing every member has in common? (besides playing on the server)
A fetish for dumb maps.
How much are you on the Forums?
More than anyone here besides Giro.
Questions for admins
(still answer the normal questions if you can)
How long have you been admin?
Since 2010, Was 12 yrs old when I got it.
What purpose does a cC admin serve?
To become a good jailor.
What did you have to do to become admin?
Sign up for the forums, post, Get 20 people to like you, HURR.
Do you like being admin?
Despite the people that blame me for just about everything admin-related. I'm just about the most active (and youngest) admin around, So I have to take care of the dirty work if any. Which I can enjoy too-So yes.
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Re: I'm writing a paper on cC and need some feedback from YO

Post by Slowpokes Bro »

For the sake of easy citation, I'm putting a copy of the facebook groups discussion on some questions I asked.
Jake Anthony Fenzl
Hello Calculated Chaos Facebook members!
So I've found myself writing an essay on our highly professional and friendly community (yes, that was a joke). I'd like get some semi-serious answer to some questions that I'll probably post a thread on the forums.

But just as a way for me to get an idea of how to start this shit, describe your experience with first coming to Calculated Chaos. When did you first discover the server? How were you first treated? What did you have to do to learn the ropes? If you've been a member for a few years, how long did it take for you to be accepted as a regular? And if there are any admins that happen to be checking this out, what did you have to get your vote up? Just go ahead comment a response, just be sure to include your steam name.

This is more just a generalized jumble of questions. I don't know how many of these I'll actually use, but again, it's just to get and idea. Also feel free to ask any questions about the paper.

And yes, I'm 100% serious about this. God save me.
Like · · Unfollow Post · November 1 at 11:28pm near Athens

Seen by 60
Robin Bostwick JAKE
November 1 at 11:29pm · Like
Jake Anthony Fenzl Stupid Facebook glitch
November 1 at 11:30pm · Like
Barrett Alan B. Found the server randomly. Was treated like an annoying kid, because I was. I learned the ropes by talking a shitton. Took me about two months to become a regular. Didn't have to get my vote up; was an admin before they put in that system.

November 1 at 11:31pm · Like · 2
November 1 at 11:33pm · Like · 1
Jake Anthony Fenzl the wrinkles would have made more sense if they came after balls
November 1 at 11:36pm · Edited · Like
Jacob Nadella Pipes.
November 1 at 11:42pm · Like
Jacob Nadella ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
November 1 at 11:42pm · Like
Tyson Nathaniel Topping SCOOPS
November 1 at 11:55pm via mobile · Like
Jake Anthony Fenzl Well, I can see this is so far going to be a big success.
November 1 at 11:56pm · Like · 2
Jacob Nadella SCOOOOOOPS
November 2 at 12:00am · Like
Jake Anthony Fenzl I'm just getting so much info here, like 40 pages worth of it. I think I'll just write a god damn novel on cC.
November 2 at 12:02am · Like
Dylan Garrett I was the first person ever on both of the cC servers
November 2 at 12:15am · Like
Barrett Alan B. I am the alpha and the omega; I am the beginning and the end
November 2 at 12:15am · Like
Aleena H The first time i joined the server I was super new to TF2. I didn't know that i could airblast and Thursday was a spy and he was on fire and didnt airblast him so he kicked me and i thought i was banned FOREVER. thanks thursday <3
been a member since long time. but not in SM.
November 2 at 12:18am · Like
Jake Anthony Fenzl An excerpt from an early draft where I first start describing the community.

"While initially perceived as a ragtag cluster of nerds, freaks, weirdos, perverted 12-year olds, neck bearded basement dwellers, and many types of people that either would look bad on paper, or are rather awkward to explain..."
November 2 at 12:39am · Like · 1
Jacob Nadella not enough scoops 0/10
November 2 at 12:49am · Unlike · 1
Jake Anthony Fenzl Why does scoops? ಠ_ಠ
November 2 at 12:51am · Like
Scott Motherwell Scottlind, first discovered it after it was recommended to me by a irl friend who got me into tf2 in the first place, seeing as how when i started i dint have a mic, i just kinda went along with tings, and did what the admins said, then after a while i noticed who was regularily on. started saying hi to those folks, and after a while, by being a decent person and not a trolling 12 faggot i also joined the forums back when they were more relevant and being active there and helped me learn the ropes of the community. Also being on the mainserver was a main part, because it's normaly free of the trolls and douchbags, just a group of people playing a semi serious game of tf2 where pretty much everyone was friends. Then getting a mic realy helped because its easier to notice someones voice than text. took a couple months basicaly to be a regular. to get admin, just didnt act like a dick. took a while to get to 20 votes, then was made low admin. then after a while captain angry re-vamped the admin pool where mainserver admins were altered. (my self getting root there) yet everyone pretty much kept there normal admin status on the funserver. Hope this helps.
November 2 at 1:26am · Like
Carter Kriss I joined the server about a year and a half ago, when I was new to tf2 and my friend recommended cC to me. I was 13-going-on-14 and a stupid little kid. I didn't have a mic so I wasn't too annoying. I spent lots of time on the server finding out who were admins and regulars and how to be recognised by them. After a while I became a regular, and I got a mic. I became a regular through becoming friends with regulars and admins until I was recognised as a regular. This group is a wonderful group that always manages to make me laugh and keep my spirits up. Other than that it's just plain fun.
November 2 at 8:58am via mobile · Like
Stephen Laing I joined about 2.5-3.5 years ago or thereabouts, can't remember exactly but I kinda became with friends with some guy called ICED or something like that, but he got me onto a cC server, idk if it was teh funserver or the main server but I remember playing with Divine Fate and he tp'd us both to the top of some jump map and I remember going backburner pyro and killing him like 3 or 4 times in a row and dominating him cos he tp'd back to the exact same place just after he respawned. I liked the server and decided to continue coming back and I was made to feel pretty welcome. I found a lot of the high admins and friended them on Steam and got to know them quite well. I think at the time you got admin if you were well liked and known, and I didn't get admin before the vote system, but I got the votes required and got low admin. In the beginning people respected the word of admins, now people don't care. Still cC can be a fun place if you have the right people on at the right time.
November 2 at 11:13am · Like
Derek Darling Since nobody mentioned it here, cC was originally a continuation of a group called Smokehouse Misfits. SM was a family friendly server to the point where repeated swearing would get you banned. It was destroyed by internal conflicts between admins, none of which play TF2 anymore as far as I know, and this eventually came to a head after one of them completely wiped the forums clean. The group was dissolved and former respected sm member took it upon himself to start calculated Chaos as a place where old friends from sm could still play. It's roots as an extension of sm are now nearly unrecognizable with the only sm regulars still active in the community being me (Kerp), Riftoff, and maybe Viano if you want to push it.

Moral of the story is I'm more OG than all of you, so suck my
November 2 at 12:23pm · Edited · Like · 2
Jake Anthony Fenzl I didn't know this, and it's incredibly useful to what I'll be writing about. I'll probably ask some questions about that server when I get a thread up. Do you happen to have some general dates for the beginning and end of SM, and when cC first came about.

Also, I remember hearing about there being a cC blog before the forums, are you able to elaborate on that too?
November 2 at 1:09pm · Edited · Like
Robin Bostwick I was here before nearly everyone.
November 2 at 1:06pm · Like
Robin Bostwick And yes, breakfloor was still a problem back then.
November 2 at 1:07pm · Like · 2
Jake Anthony Fenzl At least breakfloor isn't meleecheckers.
November 2 at 1:08pm · Like · 2
Derek Darling It'd probably be better to ask Capt about the history of sm since it was really long ass time ago and I joined it in the middle of it's lifetime. But the end of sm came about sometime in the summer of '08 if memory serves. The only 2 admins left were amsamu and up'n'smoke (not 100% sure on that last one's name, might have had more leetspeek). The 2 seemed to want to recreate sm with a new image. The family friendliness wasn't as enforced and the forum layout was changed from a box standard white phpb33 format to the darker one cC uses today. As far as I know, up'n'smoke threw a massive bitch fit over something or other and wiped the forums clean. We all played on other servers for a while until Capt established the cC forums on the 4th of December 2008, making cC nearly 4 years old. The 1st server went up a few days before or after the establishment of the forums.

I don't remember hearing anything about a cC blog, the closest thing I can think of was that beetle had a map making blog that I never checked out.

If you want to learn more, it may be worth your time searching through some old threads and seeing what you can dig up.
November 2 at 1:16pm · Edited · Like · 2
Barrett Alan B. I'm basically the OG of cC, since I was one of the first post-SM members to actually become a regular.
November 2 at 2:51pm · Like · 1
Tyson Nathaniel Topping I was gifted to the group by divine prophecy to save us from the throes of mediocrity. I'm like the Justin Bieber of the group. You can say you hate me, but deep down you know sing all my songs. - OptimusPrimeRib
November 2 at 2:59pm via mobile · Like · 1
Tomm Brennan whoo this is a long story starting with sm.
November 2 at 5:01pm · Like
Tomm Brennan well it all started when i was a little faunlet on sm near the end of its run, no mic, total noob, luckily i was able to remember some names. then smokehouse went under and i drifted over to tf2newbs partied with the infamous computerwiz, draco, and xenon, then one day i noticed someone from smokehouse on and said something and they explained the situation and about how cc was created. eventually i started going to cc more and more, also got a mic, then left tf2newbs completely. i just kinda hid in the shadows for a while, noticed whos who. i made a note to my self to only talk when i had something actually relevant or useful to say(which goes a long way). I just kept playing on the servers constantly till people noticed i was on all the time and was called a reg. also i worked on sniping a ton to gain a small name for myself(aside from just being a badass later on). eventually i was a solid known reg, survived both admin purges of 09. after the admin purges there were few admins left on the fun server who were on a lot, and abuse will always be abuse but then there was this one guy. this one fucking guy. hellfire, who made the server absolute hell when he was on, and usually he was the only admin on aside from overmaster9000. then votes came to be and i remember a lot of people went to vote up the sniper trio(tgame, apache, me), BAMF, and LaN, tgame got it first i think. then i eventually i got voted up enough on christmas day. lofted like that for about a year, official badass status achived, banish hellfire, get root admin. -Tomm
November 2 at 5:28pm · Edited · Like · 1
Jake Anthony Fenzl I remember the Hellfire Controversy. He was one of the first admins I recognized in my early TF2 and cC days.
November 2 at 6:03pm · Like · 1
Tomm Brennan the tragic thing about it all it i was his last friend on the server, and was the one who banned him.
November 2 at 6:29pm · Unlike · 2
Scott Motherwell Also forgot to mention DR.Pepper. the official pop of CC
November 2 at 6:35pm · Like
Scott Motherwell But a lot of info on CC can be found on the forums. even the HB incident. And how captain was a baddass.
November 2 at 6:36pm · Like
Scott Motherwell ....Now i wanna go on the forums.
November 2 at 6:36pm · Like · 2
Stephen Laing I remember Hellfire. I wasn't on when he did all his crap, but I was definitely admin before him. I remember being around more on the forums back then and I saw all the banning stuff etc etc. I don't think I ever had him on Steam tho, so I was never his "friend" but we used to talk. Who remembers Corned, who actually demanded admin from captain because he said he was on at like 5/6am UK time and said there were hackers etc etc on. He got it, but a LOT of people complained and so he lost his admin, went into the usual kiddie sulk and everyone said to him if he wanted admin he'd have to make a forum account and get the required 20 votes. Needless to say he left cC. Ironically he's still on my friends list, tho we never talk.
November 2 at 6:40pm · Like
David D Hetzel Who remembers Incredible Spycrab? The guy wrote an essay to Cpt on why he should have admin, then he ended being so ashamed he banned himself.
November 2 at 6:48pm · Like · 1
Stephen Laing OH man. I heard he was on the funserver other week! I don't remember him banning himself, but he was a pretty cool guy. Certainly not the dickwad a lot of kids are.
November 2 at 6:50pm · Like
Scott Motherwell I do. also what ever happened to dept of redundancy dept. Also broslaughter was on again a month ago or so. Also montag needs to make more CC magic cards dammit.
November 2 at 6:50pm · Like · 2
Stephen Laing What did happen to Dept Redundancy Dept? That wasn't his original name, he had something before that I'm sure. And I thought I had him on my Steam list as well but I guess he'll have changed his name by now so I won't be able to find him.
November 2 at 6:52pm · Like
Aleena H montag really should make more cards... but what in the hell would they even be.
November 2 at 6:52pm · Like
Scott Motherwell depts new name is "Brolita" i think..
November 2 at 6:53pm · Like
Stephen Laing Montag Cards?
November 2 at 6:53pm · Like
Stephen Laing Could be Scott.
November 2 at 6:53pm · Like
Scott Motherwell And they could be about newer members, like james with his constant medicing. kats pyro'ing and id say me, but i dont realy have anything specific about me.
November 2 at 6:54pm · Like · 1
David D Hetzel your Canadianess
November 2 at 6:55pm · Like
Aleena H but does montag even know about these people? like viano, he tends to stick with people he plays with often. all of those cards would probably be league of legends themed from our skype group lol
November 2 at 6:55pm · Like · 1
Scott Motherwell Probably..
November 2 at 6:56pm · Like
Kiedis Hensley why cant i this thread?
November 2 at 7:11pm · Like
Derek Darling I'm still tight with Dept. The guy got bored with the game and as far as I know (hard to tell while 3000 miles away) the guy dedicates his gaming life to high level smash bros.

In other news, yeah, turn this shit into a thread Jake.
November 3 at 9:13am · Like
Jake Anthony Fenzl Will do as soon as I decide on some questions. I want to get some input from brand new members too.
November 3 at 4:10pm · Like · 1
Robin Bostwick TgameP seemed to like me, and by extension, so did everybody else.
November 4 at 11:47pm · Like
Robin Bostwick At least when I first joined up years ago. Now people like me because I tell them to go fuck themselves.
November 4 at 11:47pm · Like
Tyson Nathaniel Topping It's all a lie.
November 4 at 11:47pm via mobile · Like
Robin Bostwick It's all a guy.
November 4 at 11:48pm · Like
Tyson Nathaniel Topping It's all a pie.
November 4 at 11:51pm via mobile · Like
Robin Bostwick It's all a fry.
November 5 at 12:43am · Like
Tyson Nathaniel Topping It's all a sty.
November 5 at 1:07am via mobile · Like
Robin Bostwick It's all a rye.
November 5 at 9:38am · Like
Tyson Nathaniel Topping It's all a Bill Nye the Science Guy.
November 5 at 9:51am via mobile · Like · 1
Robin Bostwick You win.
November 5 at 9:58am · Like · 1
Robin Bostwick /thread
November 5 at 9:58am · Like · 1
Jake Anthony Fenzl Finally writing up that forum post. It's looking like a long one. Which would be the best place to post it in, community announcements, or General discussion?
November 5 at 11:57pm · Like
Dylan Garrett General discussion
November 5 at 11:59pm · Unlike · 1
Jake Anthony Fenzl Acknowledged
November 6 at 12:02am · Like
Kiedis Hensley hey gais am i a regular?
November 6 at 12:48am · Like
Carter Kriss no
November 6 at 12:48am · Like
Kiedis Hensley </3
November 6 at 12:49am · Like
Carter Kriss :y
November 6 at 12:51am · Edited · Like
Kiedis Hensley kriss why wont you love meh?
November 6 at 12:51am · Like
Carter Kriss :y
November 6 at 12:51am · Like
Kiedis Hensley god damnit kriss, no spy pie for you
November 6 at 12:55am · Like · 1
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Re: I'm writing a paper on cC and need some feedback from YO

Post by _Pipeline »

Finally getting around to doing this.

Describe cC in a nutshell.

A gaming community better than most, especially because of all of its wiseassery.

How long have you been playing in our servers? Have you consistently played this whole time, or were there periods of times where you didn't play on cC/TF2

My best estimate is that I first stumbled upon cC in December(ish) 2010, back when I was still incognito to everyone. I've been playing TF2 on cC pretty much consistently since then, with the only significant gap being when my computer broke for roughly two months' time. I didn't join the forums until almost a year later, though.

How did you first come to discover cC?

I don't remember for sure. It was probably via Breakfloor originally, as it was for many other people, I'm sure.

How did you act when you first regularly played on our servers, and how did other regulars treat you as a result?

When I first started playing I didn't have a mic yet, and was otherwise pretty quiet and unnoticeable. I was just Andrew Fucking Jackson to most people at the time.

What did it take to learn to be fully accepted into cC? Was it a struggle? Did anyone hold you back or help you along the way?

I honestly have no idea. I became a regular after a while and people began treating me as such.

What would you say is the one main thing every member has in common? (besides playing on the server)

Having a textspam bind.

How much are you on the Forums?

Pretty much every day.



How long have you been admin?

Since mid-2012ish.

What purpose does a cC admin serve?

None, really. I guess muting and gagging the people everyone finds annoying is one. Soundspam could be another.

What did you have to do to become admin?

I really have no idea. It just happened eventually.

Do you like being admin?

At first I seriously did not give a shit one way or the other, but unfortunately the ability to spam sounds has grown on me. So I guess.
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