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[mapping] Hammer Basics

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[mapping] Hammer Basics

Unread post by Original »

OK, I'll start here. A basic overview of the important tools in Hammer.
Hammer.jpg (227.35 KiB) Viewed 4253 times
Hammer has alot of options and most have shortcuts. I won't get into that as using the buttons are easy enough. You can go into help to find shortcuts if you like.
I'm also only going to describe the tools I find useful, a few are fairly obvious and/or I don't use them. You can mouse over the buttons and they will tell you what they are.

Grid The grid tool in the upper left hand corner lets you change certian aspects of the grid. The first button is a toggle, I leave mine on as it's very important to stay on the grid.
The second is 3d grid toggle and doesn't seem to work for me, but I use the 3d view mainly for seeing how things look, the grid would just clutter that.
The 3rd and 4th are smaller grid/larger grid.
In the bottom right hand corner we can see the grid size and if the grid is on (I recommend always leaving it on).

Entity Tool is used to place entities. Things like spawn points, lights, objects. This doesn't get used alot because once you have a player spawn in the map you can just shift-drag to make a clone.

Block tool Fairly important since the level is made of 'blocks'. This is the terrain tool and you'll use it alot. Should have been called the brush tool, as the blocks you make are refered to as brushes.
Once selected a menu appears on the right side that lets you choose:
arch, block, cylinder, sphere, etc... Typically a block is best when learning.

Textures Application This does more than it implies. Not only is this a tool used to add textures but it is also used to make displacements and paint geometry on displacements.

Overlays This applies overlays. Overlays are basically decals that can be resized. This is anything from stains on textures to signs that point the way for players. Much like a spray in game.

Clipping Tool This tool is used to cut blocks into different shapes. Good to cut a hole in a wall for a door or window. Or to make a ramp out of a square block.

Vertex Tool lets you manipulate the shape of brushes by moving the points (vertex) at their corners. Make a block into a ramp, or make a series of blocks into an arch.

Cordon tool lets you limit what is on screen. Helps to save resources, make it easier to see what you are working on. Also helps seal the level during early work.

Texture lock Very handy when texturing your map. The first button locks the texture, so it stays aligned when you move the brush. The 2nd button is texture scale lock. Keeps the texture size relative to the brush when resizing.

Vis Groups useful for hiding certian elements to find problems or make it easier to see what you are working on.
This would be worth money if you had it in writing
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Re: [mapping] Hammer Basics

Unread post by tomm »

This is helpful
so one day, i was on the server and i was trying to build a senty with tgame. i counted down "3,2,1,"then BAM. SERVER CRASH. then some pacman.

"where did we go so wrong?" Eythur as Heavy. March 30th 2010.
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