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[Request] Sprays
Posted: 03 Aug 2009, 02:57
by captainAngry
I know someone wants to make some awesome sprays from these:
Re: [Request] Sprays
Posted: 03 Aug 2009, 06:11
by Sastora
Those are pretty sweet minus how provocative they are but I think that goes with the art style.
Re: [Request] Sprays
Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 09:24
by g_e_oos
You should find the artist and see if you could make them cC posters cap.
Re: [Request] Sprays
Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 11:08
by Sastora
That'd be kinda cool.
Re: [Request] Sprays
Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 11:12
by PhrozenFlame
I can see it now... Cc: You can only meet babes like these here. :B
Re: [Request] Sprays
Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 11:24
by Sastora
Lol. Very nice.
Re: [Request] Sprays
Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 11:49
by captainAngry
I have that pyro one as my phone background and my avatar now. Once there is a spray, I'll probably use that one too.
I really wish I could draw...
Re: [Request] Sprays
Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 12:24
by Sastora
Lol. C: I wish I could draw too. I just doodle but if I could draw like that. Man it would be awesome. I'd draw some pretty awesome tf stuff.
Re: [Request] Sprays
Posted: 13 Aug 2009, 11:40
by Joe's Crab Shack
I managed to do the spy one, but the others have more height than width so im afraid i might distort them beyond repair. Ill send you the spy spray since i can seem to add it as a file.
Re: [Request] Sprays
Posted: 13 Aug 2009, 12:15
by captainAngry
what filetype is it? That's what's stopping you from posting it.
Re: [Request] Sprays
Posted: 13 Aug 2009, 01:43
by Joe's Crab Shack
captainangry wrote:what filetype is it? That's what's stopping you from posting it.
Its a Tga file, the only file i know of that can be made into sprays.
Actually i used a free editing program to make it called "gimp". Its free to download and use, and since i can send you the spray, maybe if you downloaded the program i could walk you through how to make it.
Re: [Request] Sprays
Posted: 13 Aug 2009, 02:23
by PhrozenFlame
You need to convert it to a VTF file and upload it here. Google VTFEdit and download it. Open the file in VTFedit and save it. It will automaticlly be converted.
Re: [Request] Sprays
Posted: 04 Sep 2009, 05:19
by Joe's Crab Shack
heres the spy one, you know how to put it into right location right?
Re: [Request] Sprays
Posted: 05 Sep 2009, 08:56
by z0th
Joes_crab_shack wrote:I managed to do the spy one, but the others have more height than width so im afraid i might distort them beyond repair. Ill send you the spy spray since i can seem to add it as a file.
try using crop instead of resize/scale.
edit: while i think about it, there _was_ a "how to make sprays" tutorial posted a while back. someone should pull that into this forum and sticky it for reference!
edit too: figured out a workflow for making sprays using Paint.NET today. its super easy, and all done using freely available software.
Re: [Request] Sprays
Posted: 07 Sep 2009, 10:04
by captainAngry
Yeah, I know how to make sprays, I'm just really lazy
Anyway, I have been thinking of getting the pyro pinup as a tattoo on my arm.
Re: [Request] Sprays
Posted: 07 Sep 2009, 10:20
by Ex-PFC Wintergreen
That would look kinda odd next to the legend of Zelda tat don't you think?
Re: [Request] Sprays
Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 08:41
by captainAngry
My Zelda tattoo is on my back. It shouldn't be odd.
Re: [Request] Sprays
Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 04:25
by z0th
captainangry wrote:My Zelda tattoo is on my back. It shouldn't be odd.
and since its done pin-up style, its only obvious to another TF2 junkie that its a "pyro" themed tat.
anyways, i actually did the heavy.jpg up as a spray. the problem is that they have quite a bit of detail, and are not square. squaring them off is easy enough. when done upas a spray the file sizes were >120KB at 256x256, so i had to reduce it to 128x128 (~85KB) and at that point you cant really see the detail anymore.
- heavy.vtf
- heavy.vtf spray
- (85.41 KiB) Downloaded 287 times