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calculatedChaos Gaming • Badime Club Redux: Whatever I Have on my Hard Drive Edition.
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Badime Club Redux: Whatever I Have on my Hard Drive Edition.

Posted: 06 Aug 2013, 01:09
by MrKerplunkers
Lock up your fucking waifus and close the door so mom doesn't hear the screams, badime club is back with an overpriced box of pocky and a grudge against the bullies who ripped his Azumanga Omnibus in middle school.

Yes, badime is back. The triple A blockbuster success that critics everywhere are calling "a... thread" is rearing it's ugly, white-head dotted head again in your neighborhood. But this time the thread has a twist. I will be putting up a poll on the forums and will be personally streaming the top 3-5 winners on a live stream, with encores if everyone feels like it. At the moment, I'm just gonna bring whatever I have on my hard drive to vote. This means we will have to deal some actual decent anime being in our prensence but we'll have to soldier through. In fact after making the list I find that it's actually mostly decent. Oh fucking well.

I'll set a concrete date for this sucker once (read: if) I get a dencent number of votes in the poll.

Anyway, without further ado, your choices for dumb girl cartoons are...

Revolutionary Girl Utena


Imagine Salior Moon with stroger central characters and more of a focus on how fucked up people can be. Oh, and lesbianism. There's a fair bit of that going on. It's an interesting little show, a bit forulaic but it's pretty fun. It's a magical girl show done by the creator of Salior Moon and runs through a lot of the same motions. The strangest thing is that inbetween the Salior Moon levels of innocent zaniness there are a lot of people wishing for terrible things brought about by some terrible cases of young angst.

But most importantly, Utena bears the distiction of being one of the only animes Riftoff has watched.

Score: Carpet Munching/10

Michiko to Hatchin


This is an anime by the same studio that brought you Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo. That alone probably should've sold you on it. Michiko to Hatchin is the story of an agressive bitch of a woman and a young girl searching through modern Brazil for the man who is the former's ex-lover and the laters father. And that's about it. Like the studio's other works, the stories are mostly episodic with a single plot thread that ties everything together. Also like the studio's other works, it has heavy western influences and is very un-anime.

Opening(Seriously, watch the opening at least. Shit is mad styling.)
Score: Drunk-Hatchin%



Really popular a while ago. Still haven't touched it. Probably really good based on what I heard about it. I know nothing about it since it's not terrible or some dumb hipster anime. Something about sending emails though time or some shit, there's a fair chance people in the forums know more about it than me.

Score: Idunfuckingknow/???



Simple little action show about a loose interpertation of a martial artist collecting increasingly loose interpertations of swords. Honest show with nothing to hide and has some unique character designs to go with it. If it was on toonami back in the day I probably would've loved it to death. The only other thing to note is that each episode is a bout an hour long, so bear that in mind.

Score: 6/10

Little Witch Academia



Opening (N/A)

Score: KickstarterIs/Control



Hey remember when I said there was decent anime here? I lied. This shit is decidedly indecent. I'm sorry, and you will be too after you watch this shit. Mnemosyne is not a nice anime. Mnemosyne is like a newborn baby; it's bloody, naked, loud, and really not all the pleasent to look at. It's on par with the shit that was in the previous badime thread. You know the ones. I don't remember the plot, I just remember showering afterwards

Please be aware that there is a fair amount of nudity and frankly this shit is borderline torture porn. I know I basically just solidified this shows victory with that sentence but it's a fair waring.


dat riff
Score: Boners/5

Trava Fist Planet


It's a movie called Fist Planet and it looks like that.

Opening (N/A)

Score: It's called fucking Fist Planet.

Dennou Coil


Again, another anime I have lieing around my hard drive that remains untouched. I just got it because it got some big anime art reward and looked neat. I don't even remember what it's about. Now let's see here...
Wikipedia wrote:Dennō Coil (電脳コイル Dennō Koiru?, lit. Electric Brain Coil or Computer Coil), Coil — A Circle of Children, is a Japanese science fiction anime television series depicting a near future where semi-immersive augmented reality (AR) technology has just begun to enter the mainstream. The series takes place in the fictional city of Daikoku, a hotbed of AR development with an emerging city-wide virtual infrastructure. It follows a group of children as they use AR glasses to unravel the mysteries of the half real, half Internet city, using a variety of illegal software tools, techniques, and virtual pets to manipulate the digital landscape.
Well shit, that actually sounds pretty cool.

Score: WhyDidn'tIWatchThis/Why

Black Lagoon


A Japanese pencil pusher ends up working for an illegal delivery company called Black Lagoon. The show then basically turns into a bunch of Metal Gear Solid bosses beating the shit out of each other. It's a run and gun action show, but it's good at what it does. Again a lot of the stories are self contained within an episode or 2 and I may end up skipping the earlier episodes because of it.

Score: BangBangShootyGun/Bay-Sensei



A stylish anime that follows a boy who travels to different planetoids to regain his memories. It's all held together by the concept that memories can be stored on to chips and are released as little yellow pelletes upon death.

No, I'm not saying anything snide or clever about this show. The story, characters, visuals and music are all wonderfully unique and beautiful. I fucking love this show.

Score: Perfect/Yes rated GOTY by IGK and Notaku

Kino no Tabi


So I guess I like shows about dudes cruising around and doing shit. Because Kino no Tabi is about a girl and her talking motorcycle cruising around and doing shit. They only allow themselves 3 days to stay in each town before moving on on their endless travels. The stories are pretty self contained in each episode and the focus is more on the strange towns that the 2 protagonists visit and believe me, you have to be a fucking showstopper to constantly steal the spotlight from a talking motorcycle.


Great Teacher Onizuka


A somewhat old comedy show about a gang leader who retires to become a teacher. It's considered by many people to be a classic. It manages not be solely the typical japanese comedy style which is "Do whacky thing -> Reaction -> Repeat until credits" routine. I like it. It feels good on my eyes. It's cooool. I'm getting tired writing these descriptions at 12:30 am, can you tell?

Score: It's Alright/Yeah

Outlaw Star




Serial Experiment Lain


This is some wierd shit. Like not wierd in a Japanese Panty Machine way but wierd in a unnerving ambient way. I am never sure what's happening and I feel the need for a hug by the time it's over.

Lain is the story of a little girl who discovers an digital network of computers called the wired. I think. Probably. It's all very strange and difficult to follow. The show likes to fuck with you a lot. However the one thing that I do understand is that the show makes some very poignant observations on internet sociology considering the show is from the mid to late 90s. Things like internet ghost stories and anonymity making you an asshole are all addressed inbetween some bizarre conspiricy story centered around Lain that I don't really get.
It's good though. Trust me, probably.

Score: ModemNoise/Zombocom

Puni Puni Poemi

Lovecraft-sensei wrote:And it was then that Puni Puni Poemi came out of Japan What it was, none could tell, but it was of the old native blood and looked like a Mahou Shoujo. The fellahin knelt when they saw it, yet could not say why. It said it had risen up out of the blackness of twenty-seven centuries, and that it had heard messages from places not on this planet.
I showed this show to my friends 4 years ago and they still won't take any suggestion I give them without apprehension. I watch it with Denzo and all he did was scream "what?" while I told him "you're not ready" repeatedly.

Denzo is not ready.

My friends are not ready

I am not ready

Humanity is not ready

You. Are. Not. Ready.





Re: Badime Club Redux: Whatever I Have on my Hard Drive Edit

Posted: 06 Aug 2013, 09:41
by Fireproof
Forum gods won't let me vote, but I wouldn't even be writing this sentence if it weren't for the words "cowboy bebop" jumping off the screen at me.

So yeah, Michiko to Hatchin, even though I'm unsure what happens if that wins.

Re: Badime Club Redux: Whatever I Have on my Hard Drive Edit

Posted: 06 Aug 2013, 10:22
by Celtic
I can't vote either.

To be honest I don't think Steins;Gate or Lain would be good choices for this. Don't get me wrong, I love them to death and splurged on their blurays/box sets but in this setting its not the best idea. The first half of Steins;Gate is probably one of the slowest most dragged on episodes I've ever seen (besides Haruhi's Endless Eight but thats a different beast entirely.) The later half is without a doubt amazing and worth the grind, but will people be able to sit there on stream and drag through the first half?

Lain is just a bad idea to watch with other people. Keep that shit to yourselves and cherish it. rip Ryutaro Nakamura.

Katanagatari would be a great show for us all to watch. The art style is beautiful, its a damn fun show. I refuse to watch the last episode because I will not be caught crying on stream. With episodes being about 50 minutes long it equates to a 2cour 26ish episode series.

Re: Badime Club Redux: Whatever I Have on my Hard Drive Edit

Posted: 06 Aug 2013, 11:42
by PhrozenFlame
This was a tough decision between #BasedTrigger, Mnemosyne, Stories Told Through The Eyes of A Motorcycle, Outlaw God of Space, Lain's Deep-As-Fuck Social Experiment, and that show I was totally ready for when Jake wasn't.

But in the end, I'm going with Lain. Even though I wanted to pick Mnemosyne, there's a reason Bible Black isn't on the other list.

And that reason is "I removed it".

Re: Badime Club Redux: Whatever I Have on my Hard Drive Edit

Posted: 06 Aug 2013, 11:53
by MrKerplunkers
Posted in the forum revival thread about the polling issue, hopefully it will be addressed.

Also, you're free to pick more than one anime. If polls don't get fixed I'll just go with whatever seems popular.
Celtic wrote:To be honest I don't think Steins;Gate or Lain would be good choices for this.
Noted. Based on what I know about the show, it'd make sense that the premise has a long set up. I disagree about your sentiments on Lain, I watched a couple episodes with some friends once and it was alright. Besides, it'd have some interesting reactions, which was kinda the whole point of badime in the first place.
Celtic wrote:rip Ryutaro Nakamura.
Actually didn't know about this. Last I checked Despera was postponed due to him being sick. That really fucking sucks... RIP

Re: Badime Club Redux: Whatever I Have on my Hard Drive Edit

Posted: 06 Aug 2013, 12:33
by PhrozenFlame
If I can pick more than one, then add #BasedTrigger to my vote.

And Mnemosyne, because I'm a curious, sadistic bastard.

Re: Badime Club Redux: Whatever I Have on my Hard Drive Edit

Posted: 06 Aug 2013, 12:51
by _Pipeline
I'm willing to watch all of them, but Great Teacher Onizuka has a special place in my heart so I'm all for that.

Re: Badime Club Redux: Whatever I Have on my Hard Drive Edit

Posted: 06 Aug 2013, 12:52
by Haunwulf
So, we gonna watch every episode of the shows in one sitting or wha.

Well, I'm clueless on what to choose so I'll eliminate stuffs.
I'm crossing out Lain because I already watched it.
I'm crossing out Academia because I already wa-Actually nevermind.
Mnemosyne? Nice try, no.
I think I'll save fist planet when I start drinking a heavy amount of vodka, which is not anytime soon.

So uhhh, If I had to choose one, I think I'd choose Michiko to Hatchin. And if I could choose another, screw it, I can go for another Academia run.

0. Umbrella
1. Michiko
2. Academia
3. That teacher thing
4. Kaiba

Re: Badime Club Redux: Whatever I Have on my Hard Drive Edit

Posted: 06 Aug 2013, 01:02
by _Pipeline
Haunwulf wrote:
0. Umbrella
Trying very, very hard not to keel over and die of unnatural causes right now.

Re: Badime Club Redux: Whatever I Have on my Hard Drive Edit

Posted: 06 Aug 2013, 02:24
by MrKerplunkers
Haunwulf wrote:So, we gonna watch every episode of the shows in one sitting or wha.
Oh fuck no, we don't have upwards of 12 hours to spend.

I'm just gonna stream an episode or two of a few shows.
Haunwulf wrote: 0. Umbrella

Re: Badime Club Redux: Whatever I Have on my Hard Drive Edit

Posted: 06 Aug 2013, 03:16
by Kriegsmarine
Watiszis wheniszis can I join?

Re: Badime Club Redux: Whatever I Have on my Hard Drive Edit

Posted: 08 Aug 2013, 01:16
by Celtic
Changing my vote to Mnemosyne.

Re: Badime Club Redux: Whatever I Have on my Hard Drive Edit

Posted: 08 Aug 2013, 02:08
by PhrozenFlame
Celtic wrote:Changing my vote to Mnemosyne.
The real question is, why does Kerp have this on his hard drive?

I think this is part of his "Tax Returns" folder.

Re: Badime Club Redux: Whatever I Have on my Hard Drive Edit

Posted: 10 Aug 2013, 12:04
by HybridPuppy
Mnemosyne or Puni Puni, if I could vote more then once.

Also, I didn't know that Badime Club was branching out to good anime.

Re: Badime Club Redux: Whatever I Have on my Hard Drive Edit

Posted: 10 Aug 2013, 02:53
by PhrozenFlame
We're not branching out. As you can see by the three votes for the anime that will inevitably have the main character rape someone or be raped by someone, we are still sick fucks and generally terrible people.

Re: Badime Club Redux: Whatever I Have on my Hard Drive Edit

Posted: 10 Aug 2013, 03:30
by _Pipeline

Re: Badime Club Redux: Whatever I Have on my Hard Drive Edit

Posted: 11 Aug 2013, 12:17
by krubby


Re: Badime Club Redux: Whatever I Have on my Hard Drive Edit

Posted: 19 Aug 2013, 09:28
by Zarik
for some reason i want to see Steins;Gate so, that one; if i can't have that give Haun an extra vote for me

Re: Badime Club Redux: Whatever I Have on my Hard Drive Edit

Posted: 20 Aug 2013, 11:33
by krubby
PhrozenFlame wrote:
Celtic wrote:Changing my vote to Mnemosyne.
The real question is, why does Kerp have this on his hard drive?

I think this is part of his "Tax Returns" folder.
I think all of these are.

Re: Badime Club Redux: Whatever I Have on my Hard Drive Edit

Posted: 20 Aug 2013, 02:54
by _Pipeline
I'll just put my top 4 up here since I haven't really done so yet.

4. Revolutionary Girl Utena
3. Fist Planet
2. Great Teacher Onizuka
1. Puni Puni Poemi. I dare you tell me I am not ready.

Re: Badime Club Redux: Whatever I Have on my Hard Drive Edit

Posted: 20 Aug 2013, 09:25
by krubby

Re: Badime Club Redux: Whatever I Have on my Hard Drive Edit

Posted: 20 Aug 2013, 09:50
by _Pipeline
I've been trying to get people to watch Akikan for a while now, because it is badime of a truly revolutionary new kind.