Fixing all the shitty funserver maps
Posted: 11 Jan 2013, 08:56
So a certain admin and I have been in contact over a few months, and we got discussing the idea of fixing all the broken and/or shitty maps on the funserver. Being stuck on the same round of Chamber for half an hour isn't much fun, lemme tell ya.
So let's make a list of all the maps we need fixed, and how to fix or improve them. Your suggestions are welcome.
Timelimit on rounds and individual matches. Lollygagging around in the arenas being rewarded with a very big trigger_hurt being activated.
Random player ejecton from the cages
In case of people crowding around in them and being dickholes in general. I can put some trigger_push brushes in the first cage, with them being randomly activated and de-activated.
Running on Medieval Mode base
Just like Degroot Keep, only with raged weapons (ie Huntsman) stripped. This will produce small healthkits on a kill, to stop post-death damage effects, like bleeding.
"Melee 1" autofire
Taking advantage of the melee plugins, for obvious reasons.
Fixing the retarded cap point times
Meaning, the middle point takes the longest to cap, the last two taking the shortest.
Round timelimit
Just in case it still drags on.
(see blackmesa)
Making it an Arena map
Just like CS
So let's make a list of all the maps we need fixed, and how to fix or improve them. Your suggestions are welcome.
Timelimit on rounds and individual matches. Lollygagging around in the arenas being rewarded with a very big trigger_hurt being activated.
Random player ejecton from the cages
In case of people crowding around in them and being dickholes in general. I can put some trigger_push brushes in the first cage, with them being randomly activated and de-activated.
Running on Medieval Mode base
Just like Degroot Keep, only with raged weapons (ie Huntsman) stripped. This will produce small healthkits on a kill, to stop post-death damage effects, like bleeding.
"Melee 1" autofire
Taking advantage of the melee plugins, for obvious reasons.
Fixing the retarded cap point times
Meaning, the middle point takes the longest to cap, the last two taking the shortest.
Round timelimit
Just in case it still drags on.
(see blackmesa)
Making it an Arena map
Just like CS