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calculatedChaos Gaming • A Post on gamespot about SM
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A Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 12:29
by Ghost
funny post i saw a while ago on gamespot.com

http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/teamf ... 678&page=1

"Smokehouse misfits clan server is really bad too. They pretend to be family friendly and ban anybody who curses yet they swear and use profanity all the time. Bunch of corrupt, idiotic admins."

Re: Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 01:06
by g_e_oos
Lmao. I just think that's funny.

Re: Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 01:31
by Ghost
lol me 2

Re: A Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 10:54
by JG215
Lol, I wasn't in SM but I heard lot bout them. That's still funny though

Re: A Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 12:40
by Ghost
JG, thats because 90% of the people who are in cC came from smokehouse.

Re: A Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 01:04
by Duckwalk
sounds like that guy showed up to sm, said something stupid, got kicked, came back immediately, said something even more stupid, and got banned. i was in sm long enough to know nobody swore save the occasional slip up. as for sm admins being hippocratic, he obviously is just sore about getting kicked and banned from a very fun/friendly server.

Re: A Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 01:08
by Riftoff
Duckwalk wrote:sounds like that guy showed up to sm, said something stupid, got kicked, came back immediately, said something even more stupid, and got banned. i was in sm long enough to know nobody swore save the occasional slip up. as for sm admins being hippocratic, he obviously is just sore about getting kicked and banned from a very fun/friendly server.
Ahh, you ninja'd me. Was about to post something similar.

Re: A Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 06 Jul 2009, 08:57
by captainAngry
People almost never swore on that server. If you slipped up you would have 12 people saying "LANGUAGE" and 3 people telling you if you did it again you would be banned.

Family Friendly and the internet don't go well together. The problem is that you either have to allow everything or nothing. For instance, if I wanted to ban all swearing, we would have to make a list of acceptable words because someone would have a problem with a word someone else did not. That kind of shit creates problems in the group which isn't good for anyone.

Re: A Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 06 Jul 2009, 09:13
by RandomGuy
The scout swears, so we would have to create a serverside sound changer for the scouts speach.

anyway the game is rated M, so anyone who is playng SHOULD be expecting this.

Re: A Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 06 Jul 2009, 12:38
by Duckwalk
if u take swearing out of the equation there is instantly a higher level of maturity amongst players both young and old...save for maybe gypsy joe who was public enemy #1 on sm. i think the people who ran sm knew the simple fact that u dont HAVE to swear and frankly i think a lot of them were afraid of having foul mouthed little halo kids showing up and irritating the shit out of them.

and i agree captain, its all or nothing in terms of running a server and nothing can be a pain in the ass to regulate.

Re: A Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 07 Jul 2009, 10:53
by Gypsy Joe
LMAO you know what probably happened?.... he probably got on right after i told Capone he had a little cock and said something stupid about Capone cursing and yelling about it and got him self a ban to last 1000 years.

Re: A Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 07 Jul 2009, 11:00
by Gypsy Joe
yeah the only difference was i didn't curse my little head off... all i did was tell an admin to shut up for being an ass to a random player and lord john would have his little PMS talk with me about how some admin get angry over that, and how we cannot have people enjoying their time when the admin are not lol somone was always in a pissy mood from thier hard day at work.. johnny boy again... and juat get on mute and kick people left and right till he got bored of that and left..and all was well again till the next day of the same thing

Re: A Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 08 Jul 2009, 11:59
by Duckwalk
Gypsy Joe wrote:he probably got on right after i told Capone he had a little cock
Gypsy Joe = public enemy numero uno.

not gunna lie tho, i would love to see capone hop on cc for an hour and see what happens.

Re: A Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 08 Jul 2009, 08:14
by bluephyr
Am I the only one who caught that the same person who said that also said he "trashed talking a guy after he failed to kill [him] multiple times and he cried and banned [him]?"

'nuff said.

Re: A Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 12 Jul 2009, 09:49
by pleasenopouncing
i remember 1 time clarson(i think) kept changing a guy's class every time he walked out of spawn and the guy (kid) could not figure out what was happening.

Re: A Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 13 Jul 2009, 07:50
by Kittylipstikk
I think SM was a good server and they did what they could to regulate thier rules. The only thing that made it a bad server was the fact that a big fight broke out and eventually ended the server all together. This is the internet and most people speak out more because they aren't face to face with the other person.

Re: A Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 14 Jul 2009, 09:58
by Duckwalk
it wasnt really a big fight breaking out that ruined sm. it was duke and sam getting into a cranky old man war over who was right (about what? i still have no idea...). it finally escallated into a walker fight and duke knocked one of sams tennis balls off the foot of sams walker and sam scratched the hardwood floor. when the fed up people under the age of 75 started talking about how the fight between duke and sam resulted in the sm family not being able to have nice things around sam got mad and started going senile and busting evryones balls. duke ended up leaving the house for a nice little cozy condo where he could watch murder she wrote all day and also invte old sm family members over to play bridge.

because sam was the owner of the sm household he pulled the ultimate dad move and said "my way or the high way, you little shits you" and thus began the exodus of small little sm refugee tribes. many of the youngsters, after being held back by the oppressive hand of the old folk, went fourth and created a community as they saw fit. a community where all, not just a few, would be judge, jury, and executioner. a community where a tag was something to be feared and respected. a community where the blood of the adminless would stain the streets and gave off the pungent auroma of death and pure chaos. thus was born the bain of the interwebs... the looming shadow of doom over all of steam... the brigands, tyrants, and knaves of TF2... the family of Calculated Chaos (que thunder and lightning).

the other band of refugees attempted establishing a beacon of hope for all those who wished for legitimate, practical, and worry free gaming. the ideals behind this band were simple; work as a team, dont mic spam, coexist without drama, and show all who are faithful and mature a peaceful TF2 expierence. alas, they found out soon enough that without allowing the dregs of the internet into their perfect world, there is little to do and not so many people willing to join the cause. eventually the concept of a TF2 eutopia faded away and all of those who believed so ferverantly in this idea fell into a depressed apathy and seized any efforts to redeem what once was a most excellent idea. now the community of f10 is a whithered ghost town, gray and bleak, devoid of any signs of life except the occasional faint whisper of the ghosts who still reside there. tis a dismal place where broken dreams are renewed and sorrow fills my heart. a place where fond memories are exactly that, no more do i hear the squeeky giggles of zapatosrojos, the impressive advice of the computer guru llama illusion, or the querky humor of nipples. alas, just the thought of that lost place brings a tear to my eye...

Re: A Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 15 Jul 2009, 12:42
by captainAngry
oh lawl.

Also, I talked to UpInSmoke[sp?] yesterday. He said that when he killed the old SM forum he bought a $4000 box to host everything on but by the time everything panned out it was too late. I guess he sold the box now.

I told him to come play with us.

I miss a lot of those people. Hopefully they will come around again.

Re: A Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 15 Jul 2009, 01:15
by Kittylipstikk
nice speech duckwalk....you pretty much gave the long version of what I said LOLz

But I agree with you Captain, I do miss a lot of those people and wish that they would come back

Re: A Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 15 Jul 2009, 03:08
by genie
Sam was on the server the other day.

Re: A Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 15 Jul 2009, 04:23
by Kittylipstikk
Well once I get my internet hooked up tomorrow I will be back on and then if anyone from SM ever gets on I can see them! :D

Re: A Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 15 Jul 2009, 07:23
by Ghost
i agree with duck.

i usually play on F10 if anyone is actually on their and if no ones on cC

Re: A Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 16 Jul 2009, 02:34
by Duckwalk
Ghost wrote:i agree with duck.

i usually play on F10 if anyone is actually on their and if know ones on cC
unfortunately nobody plays on f10.

Re: A Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 18 Jul 2009, 12:20
by Gypsy Joe
llama illusion a lost hero of SM most people never speak of... the one that kept the house standing while Sam's bowl movements towards duke shook the foundation of the little home. i miss him and his server savvy knowledge... I'm sure those days still haunt SAM when ever he see's his little girl take all those little mirror pictures for her Steam page. If i remember correctly that is what might have started the fight... duke never liked those mirror shots of Big SAM and SAM went ballistic with jealousy towards dukes then lover Lord John. But my memory is a little shaky.

Re: A Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 18 Jul 2009, 09:48
by SmylesE
Gypsy Joe wrote:llama illusion a lost hero of SM most people never speak of...
I'll speak of him. Hes doing fine :P (I work with him if you didn't know)

Re: A Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 18 Jul 2009, 11:09
by Duckwalk
give him a high five followed by a low five and a series of fist bumps for me.

Re: A Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 18 Jul 2009, 11:15
by Gypsy Joe
*fist pump* slap him five then give him an obama bump for me

Re: A Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 18 Jul 2009, 12:19
by Ghost
i really dont kno what started it.i remember just getting into sm like a week ago. then i was gone for a few days and i come back and everyone has this new cC tag and i was like WTF HAPPENED?

Re: A Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 20 Jul 2009, 10:58
by Guy Montag
Sam had the sm server. Duke made a server, and labeled it an sm server.

Sam got angry another server had popped up to divide the playerbase of an already small clan/band of regulars. Sam directed his anger at Duke. Duke found this irrational, and refused to acknowledge he'd done anything wrong, getting angry in the process. Everyone save a very small few of non-young people rolled their eyes as drama ensued. In the end, I wandered back onto the internet one day to find sm dead. A short while later, I found cC and the relatively quiet smokehouse misfit Captain Angry had stepped forward to give the community a new home.

Much to my irritation, the underlying tensions from the old server carried over here.

Re: A Post on gamespot about SM

Posted: 21 Jul 2009, 01:25
by Kittylipstikk
really?? I haven't seen much tension between people from SM....