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Unread post by Divine Fate »

Post your favorite wiki! For all the world to enjoy (or maybe just this forum).


One of my favorites is the Uncyclopedia, "the content-free encyclopedia that anyone can edit."

This is the wiki for all who want topics distorted and made fun of. It contains quotes, random information, and anything else some 4chan wacko wants to throw in. Have a look.

For the heck of it, here's the Team Fortress 2 page. It contains quite some humor.


Another more useful wiki is the Lyric Wiki, which I use for all of my lyric needs.
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Re: Uncyclopedia

Unread post by captainAngry »

Reminds me of Encyclopedia Dramatica. It's almost like that except that it is all 4chan bullshit instead of just partly 4chan bullshit. It does have some pretty funny shit on it though.

The TF2 page is pretty good:
Admin Mute Menu: some servers are subject to microphone spam, which is when a player tapes down the "v" button and holds the microphone to their speakers or stereo system, which can become very annoying at times. Servers with a lot of mic-spam will tend to have the Admin Mute Menu (AMM) enabled so players can mute certain mic-spammers. To enable the AMM, simply press f10, at which point a list of the players will show up along with a picture of a microphone next to those who are currently speaking. Double click their name to make them stop. Sometimes the AMM will be enabled so you can have other admin privileges such as kicking players from the server.
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Re: Wikis!

Unread post by Wamp Rats »

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Re: Wikis!

Unread post by MrKerplunkers »

Uncyclopedia wrote:Some people think that the earth is only 6,000 years old. This is not true. The earth is only fifty years old. It only appears older to test our faith. Secondly, the earth was created on a Tuesday morning at precisely 10 am because God and Arceus like to finish early so they can take the rest of the day off and go golfing
Uncyclopedia is amazing.
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Re: Wikis!

Unread post by Liquid Death »

Found this on Uncyclopedia about the internet
Uncyclopedia wrote: What is it really?
Internet or IPN (International Pornographic Network) is actually the inner-net in most bathing-shorts. This is unknown, since Bill Gates in 1987 stole the name from Louis Vuitton, who was going to announce the internet in shorts at the 1987 Spring Fashion Show in New York, but Gates snapped the idea right out of his hands, and announced the internet as a platform to download porn from, just before the fashion show. By the way did u know that Bill gates got his Balls Replaced......! Well neither did i! :p

It is also widely debated that the internet was actually a gift from Chrylazian Rysuandwips, a species found in the Crab Nebula, about 6300 light years from Earth. They gave us their primitive archiving system to save us from the inevitable extinction that would have happened in 1998. After 1998, Al Gore invented the Heisenberg-Coleman Truck Network Superhighway, paving the way for Ted Stevens to make it tubes. Thus, the Internet is webs except where it is tubes, and where it is tubes, it is Superhighway. Philosophers and theologians continue to debate where all tubes are also webs and if webs must also be nets, but the Superhighway of Biblical Prophecy connecting the tubes and the webs ensures that Al Gore is Ted Stevens regardless. Many people also debate the idea of the porn fans having to express more boob.

Contrary to popular belief the Internet was actually born. Many Centuries before it's so called "invention." The Internet was an inter dimensional being. He lived in hiding on our planet for many centuries slowing losing all his abilities. In the War of 1812 the Internet was on an American merchant ship when it was embargoed by the British. So the Internet was inducted into the Royal Navy. After the war the Internet decided to settle in Massachusetts. There the Internet fell in love with a woman. The two were married and had many children. As time passed the Internet's wife grew old and died, but the Internet and their children lived on. During the time of the Civil War Abraham Lincoln found out of a super natural being's existence. He wanted to exploit the Internet's powers to destroy the south rather then have it recede back into the U.S. Lincoln failed at capturing the Internet but he successfully captured all 13 of the children. The Internet in an attempt to save them was captured as well. So the Internet was tortured for decades upon decades to reveal it's secrets. The Internet never did. However his secrets lay in the children so they were forced to breed on an island called Midway in the Pacific. In World War II the facility in which the children were being bred was destroyed. All but three escaped. They went into hiding in a place no one would look... Nazi Germany. (They were jewish) Soon after the Internet finally broke down and offered to share it's infinite amount of knowledge with the world. So the Internet was locked away to have it's brain pumped for it's vast amounts of knowledge. In 2000 during the Presidential elections one of the children came out of hiding and ran with the democratic ticket. He was Al Gore. Al Gore made a claim he invented the Internet so the Internet punished him by stuffing the ballot boxes in Florida in favor of Bush. However what the Internet did not realize was that Bush was the Intranet. The opposite of the Internet. Instead of expanding knowledge the Intranet had dwindling intelligence. As President the Intranet had unlimited access to the Internet's Knowledge. To make sure the other two children in Nazi Germany would not interfere he captured them and had their brains washed. They are known today as the bush twins. Too bad, they were better off dead in the hands of Hitler.

The Internet is said to live inside all of us as well, sort of like that whole love mumbo jumbo as well. How do you think you miraculously remember the formula for finding the area of a rhombus during your math exam? The Internet, bitches. You know its there, and now, it knows you know, so you better pay up. Unfortunately for you, the internet only accepts swaztikas as any form of currency.
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