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calculatedChaos Now Accepting Donations

Announcements for our community.
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Joined: 04 Dec 2008, 05:32
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:18403615
Twitter Username: calcchaos
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Location: Minneapolis, MN

calculatedChaos Now Accepting Donations

Unread post by captainAngry »

I have received a few requests from people asking how they can donate money towards the community. I have added a donate button to the top of the forum.

All of the money donated will go towards improving our community. This could simply be adding more player slots to the server or buying prizes to send out to members that do something to promote the community. I have also been thinking about possibly adding a private server, valve map server, or something else along those lines. If I get enough donations I would even consider making servers for other games, such as Left 4 Dead, although my main focus right now is TF2.

To donate click on the donate button at the top of the forum. It looks like this: Image. If you are not a member of calculatedChaos donating could help your application get processed faster, although if we weren't already considering sending you an invite it probably won't help. It will, however, make us more likely to kick someone to get you into a full server.

If anyone has any ides of things that could be given to people who donate as an incentive, especially if you are thinking about donating, let me know.
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