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by z0th
07 Jul 2013, 03:43
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 224
Views: 74848


Cat-sat this guy a few weeks ago. My sisters cat. IMG_5306 - Theo by z0th , on Flickr Sadly, our little guy passed away back in Feb. Still missing him a little.... <3 Windows by ...
by z0th
18 Apr 2012, 02:58
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Post a picture not of yourself.
Replies: 210
Views: 74168

Re: Post a picture not of yourself.

Just so you know I haven't forgotten about you! ;-)

Freeport 0286-88 by z0th, on Flickr
by z0th
08 Oct 2011, 05:02
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Post a picture not of yourself.
Replies: 210
Views: 74168

Re: Post a picture not of yourself.

MrKerplunkers wrote: Like none of you people here even know who he is anymore but sweet baby christ it's Deathspawn. Way to over shadow z0th's return.
he does s**t like this all the time. :-(
by z0th
26 Sep 2011, 08:13
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Post a picture not of yourself.
Replies: 210
Views: 74168

Re: Post a picture not of yourself.

This is a chair.
It is blue.


Also, Hello from the ether.... :-)
by z0th
26 Dec 2010, 09:39
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Post a picture not of yourself.
Replies: 210
Views: 74168

Re: Post a picture not of yourself.

doesnt everyone have cameras on their cell phones these days....?

From a school built in 1912, currently under demolition for conversion to condos.

by z0th
08 Dec 2010, 09:07
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Le thread de la Musique
Replies: 614
Views: 169139

Re: Le thread de la Musique

by z0th
21 Nov 2010, 03:36
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Post a picture not of yourself.
Replies: 210
Views: 74168

Re: Post a picture not of yourself.

formerly a very large power generation station.

by z0th
21 Nov 2010, 03:31
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Post a Picture of Yourself
Replies: 1750
Views: 322862

Re: Post a Picture of Yourself

Taken by insanedArk.


i was taking this picture at the time.

and im taking a picture there, not a crap. ;-)
by z0th
09 Nov 2010, 09:42
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Funny Pictures Thread
Replies: 237
Views: 57735

Re: Funny Pictures Thread

<3 C&H

by z0th
23 Oct 2010, 11:27
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Post a picture not of yourself.
Replies: 210
Views: 74168

Re: Post a picture not of yourself.

More Animals. ${ lame_picture_of_cock_joke_here }. heh. ALL RIGHT, MATURITY LEVEL. London Psych, Medical Exam Building; locked up tight. :-( What little is left of St.Mary's.
by z0th
17 Oct 2010, 10:54
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: What is the Most Creepy Thing You Can Think Of?
Replies: 32
Views: 8556

Re: What is the Most Creepy Thing You Can Think Of?

EDIT: oh ho! even better. The Eye elevator scene using Nordvagr's "Lament" as the background track...

by z0th
10 Oct 2010, 10:35
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Post a picture not of yourself.
Replies: 210
Views: 74168

Re: Post a picture not of yourself.

Here are some pictures of my Berlin trib i did last week. << pics snipped >> Ok -- really strange that you see a guy in his stormtrooper get up there. When I was in Berlin, at Brandenburger Tor in Aug '09, I saw a guy in stormtrooper gear coming up from the Tor U-Bahn station. Here he is: http://fa...
by z0th
05 Oct 2010, 08:27
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Le thread de la Musique
Replies: 614
Views: 169139

Re: Le thread de la Musique

dark ambient meets rythmic noise.

by z0th
05 Oct 2010, 06:10
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Post a picture not of yourself.
Replies: 210
Views: 74168

Re: Post a picture not of yourself.

Went out and took some more pictures today, no sunsets this time though like the old car shot! classic cars are great to photograph. always have nice lines. check this guys work out: Lost America he can do magical things with a bulb and lots of colored lights! heres the kitchen sink. http://farm5.s...
by z0th
22 Sep 2010, 08:26
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Post a picture not of yourself.
Replies: 210
Views: 74168

Re: Post a picture not of yourself.

continuing that whole sunset thing...

by z0th
07 Sep 2010, 10:35
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Post a Picture of Yourself
Replies: 1750
Views: 322862

Re: Post a Picture of Yourself

After seeing this I actually spent about an hour rifling through all of your work, really amazing stuff. You would've loved this old building used by a paper company near me. It's since been closed off, but I now realize I was doing it wrong. doing it wrong? how so? paper mills are great. the older...
by z0th
05 Sep 2010, 08:28
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Post a Picture of Yourself
Replies: 1750
Views: 322862

Re: Post a Picture of Yourself

when i was young i would take these summer kayaking/canoeing camp things @ harbourfront and would kayak over to the islands and around the harbourfront and whenever we went by the malt place we would get told zombie stories about it that i believed likely a good reason for that. omg_malt_zombies.jpg
by z0th
04 Sep 2010, 01:31
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Post a Picture of Yourself
Replies: 1750
Views: 322862

Re: Post a Picture of Yourself

Celtic wrote:
z0th wrote: Do we critique it as a piece of art? o.o
its just a 'selfie' i used for my dA ID.
by z0th
02 Sep 2010, 01:28
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Post a picture not of yourself.
Replies: 210
Views: 74168

Re: Post a picture not of yourself.

And Pinks Hot Dogs....YUM! :woop: what hot dog? is just tons of condiments! (is that sour cream?) Cap'n Angry ; heres that TB/Sanitorium Hospital set! a little Canada Malting Co. action.... the view. up out of the dark. http://farm5.stat...
by z0th
02 Sep 2010, 01:21
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Post a Picture of Yourself
Replies: 1750
Views: 322862

Re: Post a Picture of Yourself

havent done one of these in awhile. taken just this past sunday at Canada Malting Co. Toronto.

by z0th
01 Sep 2010, 08:39
Forum: Art General Discussion
Topic: Photography
Replies: 19
Views: 11005

Re: Photography

I have a minolta from the 50's but it's been a little hard getting my hand on the batteries for it. what model? ive got a minolta F-Series from the 70's. quite a few of the older cameras use mercury-based batteries. luckily, mine have a alkaline alternative that i can use. there might be one for yo...
by z0th
30 Aug 2010, 08:24
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Le thread de la Musique
Replies: 614
Views: 169139

Re: Le thread de la Musique

MrKerplunkers wrote:I've really only been listening to Flashbulb and a bit of venetian snares. Got a bit more to work with now.
highly recommended, and excellent live show; Marching Dynamics

by z0th
29 Aug 2010, 11:55
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Le thread de la Musique
Replies: 614
Views: 169139

Re: Le thread de la Musique

If anyone could point me to the direction of more IDM, I'd appreciate it. the flashbulb is interesting, each album (track even) seems to be a new experiment for them. a little more towards the rhythmic noise side of IDM, i tend to gravitate to the darker stuff, but you might find them interesting. ...
by z0th
29 Aug 2010, 10:29
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Post a picture not of yourself.
Replies: 210
Views: 74168

Re: Post a picture not of yourself.

A former TB hospital and home for developmentally disabled persons. and one from the G20 here in toronto, back in june. i was completely unaware that members of the church of s...
by z0th
25 Aug 2010, 12:13
Forum: Help Desk
Topic: Connection Packet Loss Help
Replies: 11
Views: 3051

Re: Connection Packet Loss Help

problem solved. it actually was the modem this last time and the line the first few times. so it was just bad timing. lazy ass techs. assuming you dont own your modem, they should have done this first thing. its usually pretty brain dead easy for a tech to do, and cuts a bad modem out of the pictur...
by z0th
17 Aug 2010, 08:51
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Post a picture not of yourself.
Replies: 210
Views: 74168

Re: Post a picture not of yourself.

[[ lots of graf pics here ]] i love quality graf! It was amazing to see some of the work in Berlin when i was there last year. Banksy recently hit toronto, and now im starting to notice far better graf showing up around here. heres a pic from an abandoned campground for disabled kids. http://farm5....
by z0th
17 Aug 2010, 08:10
Forum: Art General Discussion
Topic: Photography
Replies: 19
Views: 11005

Re: Photography

I just do it as a hobby. me too. any camera is capable of taking great pics! took this with a Canon A560 P&S cam hacked with CHDK to shoot in RAW mode (in camera jpeg engines are teh suck). I do what I can with my Pola...
by z0th
15 Jul 2010, 08:14
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Post a picture not of yourself.
Replies: 210
Views: 74168

Re: Post a picture not of yourself.

love the pics of the cube and south u. that one of the poster shop is tilt shift style - makes everything look like miniatures. heres a couple from my long weekend trip down to the Niagara area. Abandoned Forge Robin Hood Flour Elevator h...
by z0th
25 Jun 2010, 12:29
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Post a picture not of yourself.
Replies: 210
Views: 74168

Re: Post a picture not of yourself.

@G1GGL3: love the pic with the dark clouds rolling by w the truck, and the one with the hat! heres a few more then. me and my buddy TRAINS tripped out to an old foundry (1) a couple of weeks ago . got some great pics. back at the end of m...